My mom has fond memories of these growing up as a child and has been asking me to try making them. They are basically a shortbread cookie rolled in cornflakes and topped with a bit of candied cherry. They must be a British or European thing because I've never heard of them before and all the recipes I found were in in grams and from non-North American sources.
Well, they certainly do live up to their name and they truly do melt in your mouth. I would definitely make these festive looking cookies again!
Melting Moments (Cornflake Cookies)
Makes about 20
375g butter
135g icing sugar
1 egg yolk
1 tsp vanilla
475g flour
3 tsp baking powder
1 egg white
200g crushed cornflakes
Snipped candied cherries (optional)
1. Sift the flour and the baking powder together.
2. Cream the butter and sugar till light and fluffy (this is essential, make sure it's really light)
3. Add in the egg yolk and vanilla.
4. Fold in the sifted flour and mix well to form a soft but dough. Not too soft, just the right texture to shape into rounds later. Add in milk if it's too dry or flour if it's moist.
5. Shape teaspoonfuls of the mixture into rounds and roll them in the egg white then in the crushed cornflakes and flatten slightly. Top each with a piece of cherry if desired.
6. Bake at 350F for 15-20 minutes. Cool on a wire rack.
I like the look of these delicious balls..nice recipe... good you tried them out.
I am not a plain shortbread fan, but I'd be willing to give these a whirl. I have someone in my life who adores shortbread...time to break out the cookie sheets!
They look ssssooo cute! And delicious too :)
These look so cheery - I love them! Delicious :)
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